Chibuzor Babalola, MD, MPH
Postdoctoral Scholar - Research Associate
Chibuzor (Chibz) is a Physician scientist and Global Health Epidemiologist. With the Klausner Research Group, she leads research development and implementation activities at the intersection of sexual-reproductive health, maternal-child health, and infectious diseases. Currently, she manages the research project portfolio in multiple southern African countries aimed at understanding mechanisms of and preventing adverse birth outcomes such as preterm birth. She is also a co-Investigator on a MERCK funded research project to inform increased uptake of HIV PrEP and Multi-purpose prevention technologies for both HIV/STI & Unintended Pregnancy. Prior to this, Chibz has served and led health initiatives in typhoid vaccine development research (West Africa), neglected tropical diseases research (Nigeria), and COVID-19 surveillance epidemiology (USA). Chibz is a multi-potentialite who is passionate about innovative and sustainable health solutions.